K and I were a bit disappointed with this Brunello. Would drink it again if served at a party but not buy it. — 8 years ago
K and I liked this Cabernet. K found it light, rated it 7 out of 10. We prefer the Estamcia Cabernet to this one.
— 9 years ago
K and I had this wine for the first time with kafta for dinner. K liked it very much. — 9 years ago
We had this wine with dinner with our friends Tony and Claudia. I usually prefer a Chianti or Pino with pasta, but this Cabernet was smooth enough to enjoy with our pasta dinner. — 3 years ago
Oscar gave me a bottle this wine., 2015. Both K and I really liked it. — 8 years ago
Fruity and dry. Both K and I enjoyed it. had it with pot roast and Ethiopian potato with cabbage — 9 years ago
Tasted this wine at Mascalzone restaurant. The italian waitress offered me a taste saying it was her favorite wine. I found it to be pleasant, not as light as a Pinot but not as intense as a Cabernet. K liked it also. — 7 years ago
I tasted this wine at Casablanca wineyard in January, 2017. I liked the Carmenere/Cabernet blend, price at wineyard was $19.00. — 8 years ago
K and I had this Carmenere with greek style pasta. Good bang for the buck. Would definitely have it again. — 9 years ago
Al Seffair
First had at Tony and Claudia’s, one of the best Carmenere I’ve had, reasonably priced — a year ago