This is $4.99 at Trader Joe’s and it is delicious. I might be giving it an extra star for the price, but truly—it is light and quaffable and I love that screw top! — 7 years ago
Perfect. Super dry and selfish. This is my kind of rosé! — 8 years ago
Gah! This wine is horribly sweet—like, cough syrup sweet. Surely some horrible mistake has been made inside this bottle. Mistake or no—this is a NEVER AGAIN for me! — 7 years ago
Nope. Too big, too much fruit, too much acid. Exactly the kind of rosé I don't like — 8 years ago
Way too fruity. Not my thing. — 8 years ago
Very drinkable rosé but not my favorite. A bit too acidic,but they do have it at Target and it's good to know it's available in any sort of rosé emergency — 8 years ago
Delish! A little fruity, a little floral, but in a surprisingly delightful way. Very drinkable and easy to love — 7 years ago
I'm surprised by the bad ratings for this wine. I think it just goes to show that rosés can be very uneven. The bottle I bought was delightful – dry, crisp, a little fruit, very drinkable, and a gorgeous light orange color. Considering that this is an affordable screwtop bottle from target (not to mentionThe fact that it's name is Josh, which is a terrible idea), this is a wine I would put in regular rotation. It's not the best pink wine Target has ever carried, but it's darn good. Your mileage may vary. — 8 years ago
Complex and almost astringent -very lively and interesting and quite drinkable. On the dry side but not ultra dry — 8 years ago
Amy Stewart
A winner from Trader Joe’s—and it’s a screw top. Dry and crisp. More more more! — 7 years ago