Strawberry lemonade on the nose, simple dry berry flavors with a twist of grapefruit zest, short finish. Good color, clarity, and viscosity. Nice and refreshing. — 9 years ago
Excellent clarity and nice body, but relatively unremarkable flavors. Crisp with hints of under-ripe plum and generic light berry. — 9 years ago
Clementines and honeydew: dry and sweet, fruity and sharp. Nicely balanced, easy to drink. — 9 years ago
Not much of a nose, but nice dry tart cherry and raspberry with citrus zest. Fairly long and moderately complex finish that moves from a touch of sweetness to a hint of bitterness. Good value for money! — 9 years ago
Crisp, like apple with rhubarb, with a slightly spicy citrus undertone. Unremarkable bouquet, nice texture, short-medium finish, and low complexity overall. Refreshing summer sipper. — 9 years ago
Well-balanced and full-bodied fruity rosé, tangy black raspberries with a hint of Meyer lemon and herbs. Long but simple finish. — 9 years ago
Dry, touch of strawberry and melon, almost tingly on the palate. Simple finish, crisp and zingy. — 9 years ago
Grapefruit zest bouquet slightly overpowered by crisp, sharp flavors. A hint of herbs muddled in citrus with a sour pineapple finish. — 9 years ago
Basic rose, not bad for the price tag. Raspberry lemonade flavors with an undertone of melon. Fairly simple and uncomplicated, pleasant enough on a hot evening. — 9 years ago
Andrea Wiggins
Just an OK rosé; drinkable in a pinch. Less fruity than I've come to expect, with almost no bouquet. Fairly dry, faint flavor of amoxicillin. — 9 years ago