Really incredible nose. Super sweet and full of peaches and floral notes. Like walking through a Georgia orchard on a cool summer night. But the taste is playfully acidic and finishes dry and crisp. Still a lot of peach but you'll hear no complaints from me. — 6 years ago
It's a very good Missouri vignoles. Sweet and pleasant — 6 years ago
Like falling into a glass of grapefruit and sugar. Soooooo tasty. Highly refreshing and very sweet. Strong grapefruit nose, long grapefruit finish, tastes like grapefruit all the way around! — 5 years ago
Excellent Paso Robles region wine and VERY affordable. Love the blend. Pleasant, slightly sweet, LONG, round finish — 6 years ago
Not bad but not exciting. Personally couldn't quite pin down any distinct flavor profile except a very, very earthy or mature berry that comes after swallowing and it lingers for a moment. I wouldn't have noticed it unless I was looking for something. There's a bit of acidity present too that just seemed a little odd. It's a very subtle pinot noir and while not unpleasant would not be my first choice. — 6 years ago
Very light nose with cherries and earthy berries coming through. This is a very delicate wine. Light in flavor, doesn't linger or coat at finish. Cherry is prominent but it does have an earthiness as well. It's so light it's difficult to pick up on anything else. Kinda nice for a dry red on a hot night. — 6 years ago
Wow! Fantastic. Has a strong berry nose and BOOM! spices hit the pallet strong and maybe hints of cherry or plum. Can't quite put my finger on it. I love the long lasting finish that lingers and coats the mouth. — 6 years ago
Angie had this 6 years ago
2016 Lakewood Estates Calvin Muscat. Very sophisticated. Very round. Lovely — 6 years ago
Angie Stern
Very layered and packs a punch! It starts out making you think it's going to be a short little blast and then it lingers and fleshes out into a nice, long finish. Orange peel, hints of honey and strawberry — 5 years ago