Fruity on the palate. Horse manure/hay on the aromatics. If that's your jam. — 6 years ago
More VA than blood or flowers and taste like a sour beer, if you like that sort of thing for your wine. Maybe that is what they were going for here, even with food at Theorita it was not quaffable and lacked any further complexity. Not one person at the table enjoyed their glass and we moved on from that bottle. It has me wondering why hipsters like their 'natural' wines with more faults than the state of California. #sheepgobaaa — 6 years ago
Floral and perfumy soap like, austere. Undertone of richness, short finish. There are better Valle De Uco Malbecs to be had. The person that bought this as a gift for me must not like me berry much. — 4 years ago
Anthony had this 7 years ago
Pretty aromatics, simple table wine like on the palate. — 6 years ago
Anthony had this 7 years ago
Anthony Vincent
Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light.
Slutty Napa blend. Good with Cote de Beouf.
"Me Grug Crood, me like red meat and bold Napa red blends." — 4 years ago