Smooth, I like that the tannins aren't that high, sweet, fruity. I'm not sure how I feel about "spicy" in my wines. — 10 years ago
I took a very small sip to taste and I am excited to try a full glass (or two or three) next time. — 10 years ago
First time actually paying attention to the smell and taste: strong alcohol (maybe cuz it's been uncorked for a while), fruity, slight wood smell, among other things I can't put words to. Oh, and it stains my lips. — 10 years ago
It's not as dry as expected. It's pretty sweet with fruity scents, and it smells strongly of alcohol but you don't taste the alcohol as much as I expected. It's not a bad casual wine to sip on with your friend, and I wouldn't recommend it for more significant events or a nice night out. — 10 years ago
Ara had this 10 years ago
Ara Lee
Fruity, spicy, and light. Sour, and light in tannins? It's a little watered-down for my tastes. — 5 years ago