Armin had this 7 years ago
How spezial: phantastic wine from Uruguay! At King John Inn in Wiltshire. — 8 years ago
Armin had this 7 years ago
Armin had this 7 years ago
Armin had this 8 years ago
Always finding some more terrific wine in Ligurien.unglaubliche Noten in der Nase und eine Explosion von Früchten beim Trinken UND das bei einem Demeter-Wein! Unbedingt probieren. — 8 years ago
Armin had this 7 years ago
Armin had this 7 years ago
New wine from the Mostaf brothers, Ratskeller Heilbronn and Hotel Ludwig in Abstatt. A cheap Lemberger made at the world famos wineyard LEISS at Gelmersbach. The Lemberger visited a one, a three and a five year old oak cave. Try it! Perfect to a scablands dinner. — 8 years ago
Armin Figel
we enjoy this very pleasant, light and yet expressive, dry wine. Notes of cherry and mocca. Thanks to Mr. Mršić who made this possible, that one like me, Weinzahn, explores a new wine country. Great experience. — 4 years ago