Peppery — 5 years ago
Wife exclaimed over it. — 5 years ago
Cheerful and bright, low bubbliness, a hint of minerality keeps it from being cloying. Consumed with baguette, pimento cheese, and salami. — 4 years ago
Drank the whole bottle myself. — 5 years ago
Sweet Jolly rancher - cherry - a hint of fizz. Perfect sunny afternoon drinking — 5 years ago
Light, very juicy, lots of red fruit, hint of spice. Drinkable (as seen by how quickly we downed our two bottles tonight). — 5 years ago
Delicious icy cold. Slightly sweet, red fruit, a little granite. Sliiiiigght metallic taste at the end. — 5 years ago
Super fruit forward - strawberries and watermelon - with a slightly dusty finish. — 5 years ago
Tasting at Heritage. Do I taste...mushroom? This is wet, green, slippery. I bought it to eat with trout but am having it with leftover hummus and pizza as I do dishes. It's the nicest thing in the kitchen. (Yikes, & maybe I'm allergic to it??) — 5 years ago
Audra .
14.5% ABV. Fresh, juicy, light, red fruit front, slightly furry burn after swallow. Drank slightly chilled by virtue of stashing it by drafty window. Recommended by Heritage Provisions as good Thxgiving wine, and I agree. Would compliment turkey, cranberry, starchy really well. — 4 years ago