It's what we're drinking tonight. We went to winery and brought this one home. Outstanding cab by itself or@paired up. — 8 years ago
Nice wine that I bought years ago and decided to put it up for a few years. Much better now however let it breath for 30+ minutes. — 8 years ago
Really good Pinot, especially considering the price. Nothing fancy, however really nice table wine. — 9 years ago
Good table wine, a little dry but not bad for the price. — 9 years ago
Nice wine. Very bold taste and you can smell the oak. Let it breath and is a very nice wine. I bought extra and will sit on rest for 4-5 years. I expect to age nicely. — 8 years ago
Excellent wine, worth the money! — 9 years ago
Bill had this 9 years ago
Bill had this 10 years ago
Bill Daniels
Nice table wine however time has served it well. Frank it a couple years back not as good as today. Good wine. — 3 years ago