Great zin... Fruitier than Zichichi, another fave...
Drank it with chargrilled garlic-lemon chicken and basil asparagus - nice complimentary and balanced zin for lighter fare.
— 10 years ago
2000 vintage Opened and decanted - very nice softness without a lot tannins.
drank it with portobello and Gouda burgers - perfect. — 9 years ago
Surprising Pinot Grigio from top of OMP...really like their Reisling also...quite dry, but with more body than the PG...
— 10 years ago
Been a fan - now with 2 trips back to their Leelanau testing room. "Sex" there is great, but Sandpiper remains my choice, dry, but still full of flavor with very light finish. Refreshing. — 10 years ago
Carl had this 9 years ago
Nice Barbera from Santa Barbara...get it?
Fruity, tart cherry, but with a disappearing finish.
More age needed, perhaps ? — 9 years ago
Opened it with a strong cheese...mistake. Nicely balanced valpolicella that deserved better treatment. — 10 years ago
Carl A
2013 - not seen this vintage rated yer....
early - but gonna be much better. Chocolate and fruit already very prominent. No acid - or only a tad... — 9 years ago