Terroir driven and immense value. Great nose of currant and Unripe plum with some oak and earth undertones. I would decant for at least an hour. silk on the palate elegance and structure not lacking acidity, beautiful long finish.. pataille's wines usually have a really unique things happening on the mid palate.. solid somewhat new producer with a great story in the wine world — 9 years ago
Big Lush nose, wild strawberry merging into dark fruit with eucalyptus smoke and pine notes. silk On on the palate with beautiful fruit showing big spicy finish showing great acidity and balance could go another 5-10 years — 9 years ago
Def enough tasting notes so wouldn't want to elaborate too much but chamomile lychee honey and green tea pretty much sum this up. Some rs backed with Decent acidity but certainly not gonna write home about it.. Cheers! — 9 years ago
Pale razz and cranberry meets faint celery grassy notes haunt the nose of this beautiful reductive and reclusive wine.. The mouth is like drinking d' angerville mixed with sassaica but it's some how just a rose.. Wow! My thoughts are its stunning and possibly the best rose iv ever tasted. :) — 9 years ago
Chomari Hunter
Classic meursalt from a legendary producer the wa tasting notes sum it up fleshy butter popcorn acid enough said — 9 years ago