It's a little sweet for the middle of the day, but it would be great for hanging out after dinner on the deck. ...My wife, on the other hand, would like a case for herself. 😄 — 10 years ago
Christopher had this 10 years ago
I can see why it scored the bronze in the LA international wine competition. Yum! — 10 years ago
I admit, I gave this wine a try because Dave Matthews's name is on it, but it's actually pretty good. Went well with a homemade pizza. — 10 years ago
Christopher had this 10 years ago
Christopher had this 10 years ago
Surprisingly decent! I would drink this again. — 10 years ago
It was good with a pot roast, but not great to drink on its own. — 10 years ago
Christopher Nelson
Christopher had this 8 years ago