The Baroness sister presented this and we loved it.. colour, aroma lit up the room. The flavours offered a superb experience, woody without being oaky, fruits but not fruity... as we say in these parts.... RELOAD — 6 years ago
I love Pinot and this is a typical, classical, sexual and French one.. I will be back.. — 6 years ago
The only Blanco I can rate is the great Serge... it’s another boring white wine... Bacchus long live rouge! — 6 years ago
When I head across for my annual feed on the 26, there is one expectation which is always met... no not the food nor the conversation... it’s the wine. The Doc and Docess played a blinder.. this bottle played all my senses and then blew my mind.. Bacchus we can bring this anywhere - from pauper to Prince, all will enjoy — 6 years ago
It’s French, it’s flash, it’s a lovely bit a juice.. it’s a ronseal bottle, it does exactly what it says on the tin... — 6 years ago
Not the best Pinot but for a Pub offering it’s top drawer.. a little dry and watery in colour but a lovely fro lined to a red meat extravaganza. — 6 years ago
This is as smooth as Huggy Bear...! It flows like liquid chocolate and is a superb wine if you’re in copious mood.. it will always be in our juice vault... — 6 years ago
Cheap cheerful and enjoyable.. it offered my tongue a berry challenge and was a great bedfellow to our pasta meal.. don’t avoid — 7 years ago
David Monaghan
bacchus dederunt aliquas partes mundi crescere ius ... uva sucus deus benedicat Suspendisse Americae .. a classic deserves a classic review in a classic language — 6 years ago