I had the pleasure of drinking this wine for Christmas. Normally I like my Rieslings German style, really sweet, but this wine was a refreshing surprise. Dry and crisp, appropriate for any soirée. — 9 years ago
I might be bias to Meads but I really enjoyed this wine. Sweet but not too sweet, perfect as a stand alone. — 9 years ago
David had this 9 years ago
One of the very few red wines I actually enjoy. It's fruity, slightly sweet huge emphasis on "slightly", and smooth. Good for those who don't typically like red wine. — 9 years ago
I drank this with my boyfriend. he prefers his white wine to be on the dryer side where as I say "the sweeter the better," however this wine pleased us both. An elegant white wine that can please everyone. — 9 years ago
David had this 9 years ago
Port wines are so interesting to me. This was a full bodied red wine that had a syrupy consistency. It had a high percentage of alcohol (20%) which I really appreciate in my wines. If it's going to be red it better come with some perks, I always say. Perfect for a romantic evening with the one you love. — 9 years ago
Loved this wine. Until we meet again! — 10 years ago
David Orrell
David had this 9 years ago