Dr. had this 10 years ago
Best when opened 92 seconds exactly .This wine is like being punched in the mouth , over and over , with a bag of rotten fruit until you are defeated by its flavors . Notes of Pie, Fruit, etc. — 10 years ago
Under $2000 it's a quaffable purchase. Too Tart & Shallow to be very good , like a terrible Craigslist date who gives you an STD. Notes of frappicino, unreturned phone calls , & wine. Mostly wine. — 10 years ago
Look in the mirror , take a lipstick and draw a mouth on your mouth , red , red , red mouth . Keep making bigger and bigger circles , your mouth is red , your mouth is pretty , cry clown cry. That what this wine tastes like . Best paired with children's tears and a blanket . — 10 years ago
Flavors of rusty metal , onion , and gasoline are perfectly balanced with a stinging urine odor that is at once depressing and erotic. Best after letting breath for a week and matched well with Doritos . — 10 years ago
A reliable full bodied vine de table that is a dirty ,dirty liar . Your mouth is its alibi, your palette is its letter of resignation . — 10 years ago
Good — 10 years ago
Smooth like a middle aged mans calf that's been worn hairless by slacks . frankenberry and Count Chockula notes. Best drank from a rotten Halloween pumpkin. Goes well with a block of government cheese. — 10 years ago
This wine is like the velvet memory of a of a regret. Gentle , but always there, haunting you. fruit backward , notes of rotten gum, gypsy fingers. — 10 years ago
Dr. Mongo Rictus Burgerbun
If your out of lighter fluid you can drink this. — 10 years ago