A little spice. Smooth tannin on the finish. Notes of licorice. Wonderfully balanced & no trace of bitterness. — 10 years ago
Very fruity. Sweeter than I thought it'd be. A little bitter on the finish. Would be great with something with a bit of spice to it.
Good summer/cocktail wine. — 10 years ago
This pinot is gross. I can't detect specifically what turns me off, other than the lack of fruit and baking spice notes. Too earthy and not in a good way. Like, in an accidentally, flawed way.
The first wine the husband disliked. — 10 years ago
Drinking WhyNot?! with the Whynot dudes. How apropos!
First time trying Zinfandel. Very fruity, spicy & a bit earthy.
A good buzz. :-) — 10 years ago
Didn't really taste like most chardonnay, but it's really smooth and that's always a good thing to me! — 10 years ago
Very smooth. Balanced acidity. Buttery fruity flavors. Did not drink with food. — 10 years ago
I'm new to wine tasting, but this is a delicious pinot noir! Im very impressed... especially for $6ish! Off-dry & so smooth! Very light bodied with Vanilla/creme brulee aromas. (Actually I smell banana cream pie!) It definitely needs to breathe.
Apparently this is a private label by Gallo for Walgreens, which means that there is probably a lot of inconsistency between bottles. Regardless, I will be purchasing the rest of their stock! — 10 years ago
Very light. Fruity & very acidic yet incredibly easy to drink. — 10 years ago
Notes of cherry. Very tart with nothing to balance. Drinkable, but about as complex as a bottle of water with just as much body. — 10 years ago
Elise Coker
No. Just no.
Not at all fruit forward, which is what I prefer (in a California pinot noir), so can't tell if it's just my palate that thinks this is icky.
Or if it IS actually icky.
For $5, I'm guessing it's both. — 10 years ago