A fun one to drink in the kitchen as you make dinner. Not really enough going on to truly match, but could go with sharper checkin preparations or lighter beef preparations. I would love this with grilled lamb. However, I drank this adsI was making my kids three different dinners and it matched well with my frustration! — 5 years ago
Frank had this 6 years ago
Delightful and surprising. Crisp and fruity with a touch of caramel on the finish, quite unexpected. — 2 years ago
All day, all night — 4 years ago
With the first sip, I wanted to not like this, but it sneaked on me. It flooded me with memories of Carolina yeast rolls and fall fruit. I’m not happy about it, but I love this wine. Well balanced and deep on the palate with crisp fall fruit along the lines of Asian pear. — 6 years ago
A little sweet and shallow with not a whole lot of character. Altogether unimpressive. Reminds me of far less expensive wines. — 3 years ago
Frank had this 4 years ago
Too sweet for me, but otherwise there are strong berry and licorice notes. Pretty long finish with an alcohol flush. — 5 years ago
Frank had this 6 years ago
Frank Bailey
I think of this as an after dinner wine, but a fun fruity and peppery after dinner wine. I could also see it with pepperoni pizza. Just saying… — 2 months ago