This was a muscular big boy who just wanted to show off his f-you attitude. He took a LONG time to get comfortable and relax, but once he did he was suddenly lush and deep and, like many gym rats, just the tiniest bit fruity. — 9 years ago
Just to be clear, my friend Paul and my husband both HATED this wine. And I think they're totally wrong. This wine is walking home in the rain past neighbors homes and they all have a fire in the fireplace. It's purple-grey and smoky and full of aching nostalgia, eager to get home and warm up in front of the fire. So soft and wet and lush. I wish they tasted what I did. — 9 years ago
Now, admittedly, I was drinking this out of a porron. Which means that my first impression of this wine is that it makes a good beer bong. So, what little I've tasted as I've drunk this wine in big gulps is delicious citrus and gravel. Also, the wine wears beautifully. I seem to have a lot of it on my shirt. — 9 years ago
The most beautiful golden yellow color and equally beautiful golden sunshine taste. So fleeting and delicate and full all at the same time. — 9 years ago
This is like that Saumur I once had. It's a lively and beautiful Riesling (yeah, not a Saumur) with all the luscious Riesling things it does, but right in the middle of it is this amazing burst of fresh sunlight on dewy leaves in the morning. So much richness! — 9 years ago
Yummy leafy, plummy, berry kisses. — 9 years ago
If Strawberry Shortcake grew up and became a super-smart, empowered, spicy burlesque dancer, she'd be this wine. — 9 years ago
Toasty and confident, this wine showed what it had and didn't attempt pretense. Was happy to be straightforward. I love a friend who's comfortable in their own skin and happy to be just themselves. — 9 years ago
This wine is a bit of a puzzle for me. It's one of those movies that all your friends just love, but you just don't seem to get. Seems a bit one-dimensional to me. — 9 years ago
Gerald Moose Stacy
This went much better with my chain-restaurant buffalo chicken wrap than I'd care to admit. — 9 years ago