Ok, acidic for aging 5 years. Good news its cheap. — 8 years ago
Very complex drink. Slow at first but flavor grows. Even changes upon swallowing. Dry with medium legs. — 8 years ago
Spicy, earthy not fruity. Good, but less my style. — 7 years ago
Light-bodied. Poured straight from the bottle strong alcohol aroma. Aerated more of the complex flavors come through. Good mouth feel. — 8 years ago
Very light sweet smell. Goes well with nuts and dried fruit. Golden color. So easy to drink. — 8 years ago
Surprised by a red zin. So used to white zin that are fruitie that the complex flavor with more of a spicy taste won me over. I am a red zin fan. Light body with a big flavor. — 8 years ago
Jeff VanderLaan
Jeff had this 7 years ago