Taste like whiskey and licking rocks in the best possible way. — 8 years ago
Bitter, metallic with hints of grapefruit — 8 years ago
Candy nose, sweet lemon, fruit cocktail notes — 8 years ago
Great blend from a winery in Oakland, comes in growlers. Very drinkable with notes of cherry and cinnamon. Enjoyed the use of Grenache in the blend. — 8 years ago
Just ok. — 8 years ago
Absolutely stellar wine I purchased at Castro Wines in SF. Very mild nose, soft notes of fuel. Extremely flabby mouthfeel. Tastes of salt, seawater, rocks. Deeply mineraly and acidic. Everything I could want in a wine really. — 8 years ago
Jeff had this 8 years ago
My favorite wine, if you can find it, buy it. — 8 years ago
Jeff Yurcan
Good value. Followed the rule of under 20 dollars and over 90 points to make the choice of my first New Zealand sauv blanc. Im a newbie and this was my first NZ SB. Strong pineapple nose. Very dry finish. Taste starts for me with orange and ends with stone, great mineral flavor. Finished extremely bitter the first few sips then settled into a more mild light acid finale. Felt a fruitier Sancerre. — 8 years ago