Pretty nice...not super fruity like some red blends. Not super complex either, but there’s something likable about it when it’s all said and done. Maybe it just has that Columbia Valley “thing” going for it. So ends the least technical wine review you’re going to read today. — 4 years ago
Really solid Cabernet Sauvignon...not overly complex, but very full flavored and leathery in a good way. The best part is that I didn’t even know I had it until last week because it had rolled back into the stacked pallets I used to use as a wine storage system and I found it as I was taking them out of my basement. Probably it was in there a couple of years. — 5 years ago
Drank this the last two dinners.
Food it paired well with: Beef.
Food it did not pair well with: Strawberry pancakes. But a nice, solid Spanish red in the end. — 4 years ago
I’m not complaining because it was given to us as a gift at an inexpensive Asian Fusion restaurant last New Year’s Eve and it’s drinkable. It just doesn’t bring much flavor or complexity to the glass, that’s all. — 4 years ago
Alsace! Nice dry Riesling — 5 years ago
Really nice depth, fruity but not jammy. Happy Passover! — 4 years ago
Full bodied, flavorful. Kind of like a cross between Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Would buy again. — 4 years ago
Jeremy had this 4 years ago
A solid cab. It had better be, since I have 5 more. — 5 years ago
Jeremy Reuling
Delicious Chardonnay. L’shana Tovat. — 4 years ago