Enjoyed the novelty of drinking such a famous wine a tad more than the wine itself. Was probably a little past its prime, but the company, meal, and spirit with which it was given to me make it memorable indeed. Thanks, Cheryl and Elijah! — 10 years ago
This wine begs to be the center of attention. The curious label art sets the stage and the wine steals the show. The wine is aged in Pappy Van Winkle bourbon barrels, giving it a mystifying flavor that is complex, with a luscious linger. You will not forget this wine and will soon start the hunt for another bottle. Mine was a 2008, signed by rock star winemaker David Phillips. — 10 years ago
So it's been four vintage years since I tasted Veleta - dear God, that's such lovely wine. Deep, deep fruit...so drinkable, such a complement to our dinner. Thanks, a Doc! — 10 years ago
A tasty little number - low tannins, fruit forward, while still delivering the red wine bang for your buck. Like! — 10 years ago
Deep fruit, a bigger red and more tannins than I expected from a Cab Franc. A great red worthy of savoring independently of a meal. Tasted the 2008 vintage. — 10 years ago
A perfect little Pinot. — 10 years ago
Delicious, deep, dark fruit. — 10 years ago
Sophisticated and straightforward, this blend has notes of berry and vanilla that have mellowed and deepened in the decade since it was bottled. Would be an excellent complement to hearty fare. If you can find the olive oil produced on the same estate, include it in your meal for a complete terroir experience. This bottle was produced in 2005 and was signed by the Dayton, Ohio, doctor who owns the operation. — 10 years ago
Julie Sanvidge
Julie had this 9 years ago