Much too pungent for my liking. Tart but also sweet. Smacks you in the face but does have a smooth finish. Tastes very boozy. — 4 years ago
Insanely smooth. Very light. A tiny bit of acid and oak. Best when first opened, maybe could be a tiny bit dryer, but still a great white wine. — 4 years ago
Brought this home from France so of course it’s extra special but didn’t necessarily blow me away. Medium body, but of an acidic kick on the backside, definitely what I would think of as a Chenin Blanc. — 4 months ago
Very smooth but bright red. Lovely fruity notes and very easy to drink. — 3 years ago
Easy drinking Syrah/Grenache. Overall good flavor, not too strong, but with a little sweetness and a little tartness I didn’t totally love. — 4 years ago
Have recently gotten more into reds and holy moley this is a deliciously smooth blend. Very easy drinking, light body, not too acidic, light cherry notes. Really fantastic, especially for the price. (Front of bottle shows kitten astronauts.) — 4 years ago
Not awful but def not my first choice. On the sweeter side. Mike liked it more than me for sure 🤣. — a year ago
Bold but not too bold of a Zin with a smooth finish. Very strong cherry / raspberry / oakey notes. Not my favorite but would probably buy again. Anyone who likes bold reds / Zins would probably enjoy. — 3 years ago
Delicious, solid body, and smooth. A little on the sweeter side (kind of tart cherry / sweet combo) but not overly sweet. Definitely an easy drinking red that would please many. OH and it’s 14.5% so that’s always nice... — 4 years ago
Katharine Scott
Not a bad Sauv / Sancerre, but nothing overly special either. Light color and body. But of an acidic kick but toned down a tad which is nice, except that it is balanced out with kind of a bland oaky flavor that I’m not pinpointing. — 4 months ago