I'm a lover of sweet, fruity, white wines. This one is my go-to wine, and it's not that expensive, either! Very refreshing and I love the sparkles! — 10 years ago
This wine is zippy and fun. It does have a very sharp taste that isn't my cup of tea, but all in all, this is a very enjoyable wine. Citrusy and yummy. It's not as sweet as I was anticipating, but the flavours are very nice. I would drink it again, but it's not my favourite. — 10 years ago
I'm don't usually go for dry wines, but I tasted some of my friend's, and I enjoyed this! It's light and doesn't leave you with a dry mouth. It's refreshing, and a good celebration wine. — 10 years ago
I really enjoyed this wine! It is really flavourful, and I especially liked the hints of peach. It does also have a sharp taste to it, which was a little overpowering for me, but it did go down very smoothly. I would drink again. — 10 years ago
Kendra Wheeler
This wine is most definitely electric! It's zingy and fun. I generally go for sweeter wines, but I've always liked Bear Flag's other wines despite them being dryer, but now I get the best of both worlds! I would drink this wine at a party straight from the bottle. It makes me want to mingle! — 10 years ago