Fairly light for a Chardonnay but not as overwhelming as an Australian. — 10 years ago
Citrus sugary sweet finish with the slightest touch of effervescence. New Zealand winemaker, small boutique winery. — 10 years ago
Allow it to breathe in the glass brought out a tobacco aroma searching hard for black cherry. — 10 years ago
The nose is teasing, inviting you in with merlot then the cab franc wakes you up while the Cab Sauv holds you captive with a hint of tannin to remind. — 10 years ago
Fuller body for a Viognier. Very strong grapefruit aftertaste lingers quite long
Lots of legs but finished dryer — 10 years ago
Grapes hit my taste buds with an incredible freshness! — 10 years ago
Very smooth on the palate with a hint of lime and buttery finish — 10 years ago
Wonderful Cab nose. Beautiful black plum colour. Lot of legs. Tannic finishing acidic on the tongue, perhaps a tad overbearing. — 10 years ago