This is really good. A little sour with espresso bitterness, but a cashmere mouthfeel and nice lingering finish. Not a ton of fruit, gives the aroma of an older wine despite being a youngish vintage. — 5 years ago
Maybe a tad too old. No acid left after four years, fruits were still there but didn’t have that touch of honey that I enjoy with a good older white. Glad I didn’t wait any longer to take this out of the cellar. — 6 years ago
Excellent example of NZ sauv. Helps birds. You should buy it. — 4 years ago
Levi had this 6 years ago
Solid cab. Nothing too deep about this. Paired nicely with ricotta gnocchi and fennel sausage ragu. — 6 years ago
Happy birthday to me! This premier cru demonstrates all of the subtleties and clarities that make great burgundy great. Smelling this wine was like being in a field of hay and strawberries on a crisp spring day; drinking it was like making slow, tender love to an electrical outlet. Stays in your nose’s mind and lingers on your palate far longer than you would expect a delicate ten year old white wine to do. Nothing overpowering whatsoever, everything perfectly harmonious. Thanks Chris! — 6 years ago
A little bretty due to the age (was 2014 already six years ago??!), the acid didn’t hold up too well but that combo makes me feel like I’m drinking a nice example of an aged white. Barnyard funk on the nose, smooth ripe strawberries with a slightly chalky finish. — 5 years ago
Been a while since I’ve had a Chianti. Pretty average, held up nicely to penne with cream sauce. Good bitterness, like a nice Italian espresso. — 6 years ago
Just good all around. Nothing too strong about this wine. — 6 years ago
Levi Joseph Dawson
Nice example of a CdP — 2 years ago