Fruity bouquet, smooth up front, semi-dry finish and goes great with brown corduroy shorts & a powder blue vintage tee from Banana Republic. — 11 years ago
A touch on the acidic side but otherwise it goes down easy. Great by itself or with some nice conversation and quiet jazz music. — 11 years ago
Hey, you like wine? Cool. Me too. You should try this one. It's delightfully smooth up front and ever so slightly spicy & dry towards the end. It's like if Benedict Cumberbatch and Sofia
Vergara had a rap battle officiated by Marlon Brando (as Don Vito) about the origins of the California wine industry and you had a front row seat. Yeah. — 11 years ago
Smells a little sharkey. One if these days I'll actually taste it. — 11 years ago
Marc Checket
Marc had this 8 years ago