Drank this with my boyfriend for movie night, we watched 365 days on Netflix. Would recommend the wine instead of the movie because it was creepy af — 5 years ago
Good wine, drank it this fall while watching a action movie — 5 years ago
Brought this and a few beers for the first trip to my boyfriends grandparents cabin. It was the ascension weekend :) We also brought two dogs <3 — 5 years ago
Great red. Drank this first at a Zoom-girlsnight. Then later while watching The Avengers with my boyfriend. Stays good for a while which is nice because it is a big carton. :-) — 5 years ago
Marte Bentdal
I am pregnant right now so I didn’t taste it, but my girlfriends tell me it’s delicious! None of them like red wine, so it’s probably really mild. Smells good though. We’re making roasted almonds! (: — a year ago