Not bad for a cheap buy. A little bitter at first but with a fruity flavor. Would try again — 10 years ago
Mary had this 10 years ago
A really unique flavor. You can definitely taste the peppermint kick at the end. — 10 years ago
Probably the best cheap red I've tried. Not too fruity or bitter with nice tanins. — 10 years ago
Mary had this 10 years ago
Mary had this 10 years ago
Delicious, sweet and easy to drink. — 10 years ago
Took me a few sips to warm up to the heavy and dense taste, but once I did it was delicious. Licorice and cherries come to mind. Definitely a high alcohol content. Was feeling it after one glass. — 10 years ago
Easy on the palate but delicious all the same. — 10 years ago
Mary Austin
I'm not a huge white wine fan and this didn't really impress me. Not bad, I'd just like to be really wowed by a white once in a while. — 10 years ago