New offering in the "Cabin Fever" 12 pack, rich deep Madagascar vanilla notes, classic Porter style, smooth easy drinking and delicious — 8 years ago
15 Anniversary black Imperial I PA, Monster of a beer, 100 IBU's 10,85 AVB, big dark roasted malts, dark chocolate, Mocha, coffee, Grapefruit, orange, pine, creamy but full mouth feel, do not taste any of that 10.85 AVB, dangerous beer, but Excellent in the style — 9 years ago
003, this is my favorite so far in the series, big pineapple, papaya grapefruit, nice cracker malt, to balance out the very fruity and tropical hop note, only grip, lower AVB in all this series makes it thin, almost perfect — 9 years ago
A very nice take on their classic IPA style ,big citrus and caramel malt, if you like fruit in your IPA's then is one for you, I prefer the hops to do all the fruit, but far as what is stated it does just what is promised, very good, not great — 8 years ago
This is my taste profile of a stout, not overly sweet, big carded malts, the bitter chocolate is the show, as it should be, easy drinking for a almost 10% AVB stout, the oats give the wonderful creamy mouth feel that puts this in the outstanding rating — 8 years ago
10th Anniversary IPA Re-release for the 20th Anniversary Encore Series, big big west coast hops, pine, citrus, peach, orange peel, sweet malt, 10% AVB, Triple IPA, not technically a style, especially back then, adds the new hops now common, Summit and chinook hops, Outstanding back then, and still very impressive, the closest beer to compare with this is Avery's Maharaja, which is still Outstanding as well — 9 years ago
Big tropical and citrus notes, one of the best beers in the style this year, Awesome!!! — 8 years ago
Back again for Halloween, a very good Enjoy by in the series, not great like the Unfiltered, but very well done — 8 years ago
Not what I expected, so malty and sweet , in the style? So I will throw that out, like Brown Sugga and Under cover mixed, picked it up, very limited, only a few cases available were I am, like it, not loving it, just too sweet and not much else, too malty with not much to give this any else far as flavorers, rich, smooth, easy drinking, but pretty boring, nothing stands out to make this worthy of the series, since it is Limited, and supposed to be different and unique — 9 years ago
Mitchell Mulder
Should have done this ten years ago, old school — 8 years ago