First Christmas wine...
Nice structure and great nose. Thinning slightly and will deteriorate soon. But still delicious!
— 8 years ago
Serious stuff... It's aged well, although lacking a little body. Much less "Syrah" than modern wines - but none the worse for that. This is a really delicious older Rhone red. — 8 years ago
Beautifully balanced burgundy - and with more butter than you'd expect from a 3 year old. A perfect wine to start Christmas lunch!
— 8 years ago
I probably don't get quite as excited as others do about Alsace wines - but it was very good and held up well against some strong flavours in our food. — 8 years ago
Decent, nicely balanced, tasty. Highly recommended by the Wine Society. Didn't disappoint but didn't astonish either. Was it a little overpriced? Maybe. — 8 years ago
Neil Jones
A really good burgundy, with decent fruit. Can still taste elements of vanilla and soft, strawberry-like, fruit. Even though Hugh Johnson recommends it, I suspect it's a couple of years past it's best. Really good, without being great!
— 8 years ago