Paul had this 7 years ago
Nice tannic finish. Could be cellared and be even better — 7 years ago
Seemed hot to start but smoothed out with a little hint of vanilla. Paired well with a meaty Canadian rack of lamb. — 8 years ago
Paul had this 6 years ago
Drinking the 2016 which has more of vanilla finish to my palate. Nice wine in its own right. Great wine given the price (only $19 Canadian). Paired nicely with a chicken, black olive and bell pepper stir fry. — 6 years ago
Strong mineral content did well with a sriracha vinaigrette on green bean salad. — 7 years ago
Paul had this 6 years ago
Wonderfully complex champagne that keeps opening up. Great gift from Howard. — 6 years ago
Paired the 2016 with a tuna crusted in black and white pepper, fennel, lavender and Kosher salt - a tough match. It neared a couple of pinots that I like. Mineral content allowed it to retain its character despite the spicing. Good food wine and drinkable by itself as alight summer cocktail wine. A winner for a summer dinner party and good as a left over in December. — 7 years ago
Paul Denis
Fabulous finish. Really long and dry. Nice tobacco finish. — 5 years ago