The cork gave a first sign of perfect health and the baco is sublime. Refined, thin but with long palatio. This Pinot Noir lays amongst the very few that impressed me. — 7 years ago
This is definitely a top surprise. "Amateur" but with a huge potential in bottle. Acidity of the 2011 harvest in 2017 is still alive and promising the release of some exaggerated alcoholic syndromes. Very good for fat red meat. — 8 years ago
2011 vintage pairing a roasted torquey sweet potatoes. Finally this vintage starts loosing its oak pigments and fruits start cheering. — 6 years ago
Ricardo had this 7 years ago
Ricardo had this 7 years ago
Sublime, balanced, fresh and extremely smooth! A must for greatest gastronomy, it can even go with a good steak in summer time! — 8 years ago
Ricardo had this 6 years ago
How come this baco hasn’t been rated in Delectable so far? Sublime! Tried 2013 vintage in end 2018. It looks like it has to be consumed in the next 24months max but still, what a surprise!!! — 6 years ago
Ricardo had this 7 years ago
Ricardo Beltran
What a body for this simplistic 2009 vintage!! Exquisite grape mixture for a sublime bottle aging! 2009 was indeed a great Alentejo Vintage and even random wines can keep body and soul blooming for many years — 6 years ago