A little extra kick in the Hops compared to a normal single IPA. — 8 years ago
Who doesn't like IPAs with elephants on the label??? Apparently, that's the mark of a decent IPA. Ran into this in Arizona where they think Bud Light is beer. Nice little full bodied IPA, well balanced and not overly hopped. Would be a great beer for a hot day....like every freakin day in Arizona. — 8 years ago
I've had a number of Rye IPAs where there is the subtle hint of Rye. These guys ripped off the band aid and got crazy stupid with the Rye. Even though it's more suitable for a nice Bourbon/Whiskey, it works well here too. — 8 years ago
I'm struggling to find a word to describe this. Melonhops? Bizarre taste. Not a bold bitter like you would expect with 99 IBUs. Rather, a bizarre combination of soap flakes and cheap beer. Not sure what Warrior hops are, but I suspect there is an industrial plant across the street from where they're grown. — 8 years ago
As a diehard Seinfeld fan, I just wanted to drink an IPA associated with the most self absorbed person ever, George Costanza. I figured it was a limited release that would go away soon. What followed was similar to Jerry Seinfeld's reaction to frozen yogurt. "This is so f***ing good!" I sincerely hope they continue brewing this single hop pale ale forever. — 8 years ago
Nice little double with one interesting note: I'm pretty sure there's weed in here. Yes, it has the normal hops expected of a double IPA, but I swear someone stuck a big bag of Indica in the mash right before they closed the lid. Interesting aftertaste. — 8 years ago
Coronado is not the first name that comes to mind when thinking about good IPAs. However, I like nothing more than a deep amber beer with a slight bite. They could jack up the IBU in this brew and easily have a great 10.0 beer. Just do it!!! — 8 years ago
Wow. This was a bad idea. A quad. This should knock you on your ass. That would protect you from slamming a bottle of this monstrous 14% ABV beer and passing out where you are standing. However, this is crazy smooth for a bomber overhopped IPA. I drank the whole bottle. Basically like drinking an entire bottle of Cabernet on your own. Let's just say I had a small headache the next day. Drink this. For the love of Pete, do it carefully. (And in the safety of your own home) — 8 years ago
I've got the flu. It might be the medicine talking but this stuff is awesome! Wonderful color, body, complex multi hop flavor. Definitely one of my new favorites right along with whatever is in this cough syrup I'm downing. — 8 years ago
Robert May
Me likey! Crudload of different hops and a decent dose of Rye for good measure. The big BR does it again...and I don't mean Baskin Robbins. — 8 years ago