The wife likes it. Good bottle for one of those days. — 7 years ago
Always a favorite when I'm in Brussels. — 7 years ago
Worth the wait! — 8 years ago
What a bold and silky smooth Wine. Not over the top expensive, but so amazingly good for the price. Complex, plumb and licorice with a hint of black currant that will knock you off your feet. — 7 years ago
Very good for such a young wine. Sweet and smooth and easy to drink. Surprisingly good and unexpected. Worth getting. — 7 years ago
I know, it's only a 2015 and it needs time, but it's very drinkable now. — 8 years ago
To the world, please welcome Baetica Munda or BM. I’m thrilled to see my very good friend, Francisco Migorance’s wine hit shelves in Brussels!! This is a very young wine, but fabulous and well deserving of your time and attention. This wine has been added to my cellar and I’m excited that I’m able to store and share this with the people I love. — 7 years ago
Ratings are too low for this bottle. It's a good vintage with a great nose and great finish. Make sure to recant before drinking and let it sit!! It will take time to open up, but when it does, you will not be disappointed. — 7 years ago
Very fruit forward, but delicious and to be appreciated for what it is and it's age. — 8 years ago
Rob Stien
A rich and wonderful wine. Voyage 4 is just as solid as Voyage 3, but missing the boldness. This is something to be enjoyed and cherished for what it is, a rich and wonderful wine. — 7 years ago