Wine professional seasoned amidst some of New York's most cutting edge beverage programs and personalities circa 1998. Now, still seeking classic, true to vari...
Morgon girth, Gamay softness, fruit falling. Very interesting but at 05 might be in a formative eclipse. Would drink again and suggest for nerd-sake. — 10 years ago
Gamay at its Loire very best!! Juicy, full and loaded with minerals and dust. A perfect rarity on a rare (somewhat) wintry Houston evening. Importer Jon-David Headrick. — 10 years ago
Sam Governale
Mouton '70....celebrating a dear friend's birth year. Interesting enough to be engaged, a bit thin on the back (the wine, that is), formidable mid palate given the vintage and mid-shoulder level. Wine is about sharing moments with friends....and for that I'm more enamored than I might normally be. — 10 years ago