The kinda backwards wine you drink when your household grows from 4 to 7 within a day with the majority of those creatures having four legs. This wine will take you to altitudes you need to go when trying to acclimate to your new surrounds by giving you a burst of fruity ambiance notably resembling sweet raspberries and black fruits, yet smokey enough to remind you of your age. Highly recommend during these kinds of dark days, stay thirsty my friends. — 5 years ago
The name says it all. Having a day full if nothing due to an ever embodying day of pandemia? Or freshly off the hospital floor with lungs full of covid-19? Than this truly is the nightcap for you. A beautiful tall tale where jack isn’t just throwing one middle finger up, but three. Oh and not to forget the structure and hardy flavors this wine brings to the table, we can’t forget about those. — 5 years ago