Standby favorite, such elegant wines! Good vintage, not great, and sadly the bottle was slightly corked. — 12 years ago
Whatever it is, I don't think it's produced anymore. Also from grandparents' liquor cabinet. Really intriguing, sweet yet herbaceous up front, though it becomes cloying. — 12 years ago
Great way to celebrate my 30th. Had the potential to age for another 5 years at least I think. — 12 years ago
Drambuie, circa the 1950s and grandparents liquor cabinet. You can see the stamp from the state of Maryland. A pleasant surprise. — 12 years ago
Of course I enjoy the name. The wine felt a bit out of balance; quite hot from the alcohol. — 12 years ago
Thea Schlendorf
Pineau d'Aunis - who knew? — 12 years ago