A solid, dependable, cheap, every-day red. It’s a Zin that drinks more like a Cabernet. We should stock this more often. — 4 years ago
Not much nose. Tart and acidic, but without anything to counterbalance it. Drinkable but just pretty unexciting. — 5 years ago
Incredible value at $4.98 from Total Wine. A simple zin that makes a great table wine. Not overly tannic, somewhat jammy but not overly sweet. Medium length. Good food wine. — 3 years ago
Lovely. I’m pleased to find a Riesling that’s actually dry. This one has a nice long finish with lots of green, under-ripe fruit and honey notes. But mostly on the nose and not much on the tongue. Excellent acidity. Will plan to buy again. But it’s got an annoyingly tall thin bottle shape. — 4 years ago
Great aroma of flowers and peaches. High acidity and medium sweetness. Lovely deep yellow color. Great food pairing white. — 5 years ago
Shockingly good for a cheap wine. Just prototypical cab with a little extra sweetness. I’d buy again and consider it as a house red. — 4 years ago
Just not a lot going on here. Nicely acidic, but way too much oak. Short finish. Ripe pears and peaches, but everything is just overpowered by oak. Definitely would not buy again. — 5 years ago
Very nice, straightforward Zinfandel. Might even say prototypical. Not too much ripe fruit. Good value. Would buy again. — 5 years ago
Todd Parkin
Great white table wine. Mildly avidic for a vinho verde. Olivia had a tasting at Total Wine and brought it home. Super duper value for $10. Only 9.5% ABV — 9 months ago