Wonderfully balanced between fruit and tannins. A real treat. — a year ago
Great wine can be a funny thing. It will challenge your perceptions of wine as a whole and immediately indict all previous pretenders. Soft on the eyes with its light ruby hue, you imagine this to be a subtle or even lackluster red, however I don’t know if I can recall such a complex and and earthy ride from something so pleasant and light in the nose and eyes. Well played my friends. Well played 😁  — 4 years ago
Wayne had this 7 months ago
Beautiful, darker color like honeycomb. Sweet nose of rich honey and Carmel, very smooth and complimentary finish, low tannins w slight nuttiness. Great w our meal. — a year ago
Light fruit in the nose (berry), delightful smooth (even elegant) body, but the best part of this sip is its incredibly dry finish...tempting you to take another sip. — 4 years ago
Perfect amount of spice and fruit, smooth finish. Delightful with our grilled frank steak. 😁 — 4 years ago
Just fine. Pleasant nose and balanced/smooth through finish. Had hoped for more, but such is the curse of expectations :/ — 7 months ago
Really delightful. Zest and spark on the front but ends with some minerality and dryness that begs another sip. Delightful w the ceviche we enjoyed. 👍🏼 — a year ago
Deep red fruit, nice tannic level, nice balance of dry and fruit. Possibly a little young, would look to revisit in another year or two. — 4 years ago
Wayne Rodriguez
Lovely and very drinkable. Not the most complex, but achieves a delicious honey flavor without being too sweet. 🍯 ❤️ — 3 months ago