Adega Eidos

Adega Eidos

Eidos de Padriñán Rías Baixas Albariño 2022

Yellow. Fresh. Salty from sea side. Chalk. Citrus, pineapple. Crispy. It has powerful acidity not to be surpassed by tomato source. CP quite good!! Eidos De Padri n Adega Eidos 22 @2695, Toscan, 240720-240816 — 7 months ago

Luis A. Rodriguez Vazquez

Eidos Ermos Ribeiro Red Blend 2011

Little grassiness at the end and an overall nice drinker — 10 years ago

Château La Bastide

Cuvée Eidos Syrah - Grenache Noir Blend

Great Corberières from southern France! Ripe fruits, quite exotic, but fig is dominating. Tobacco leaves, graphite. Very powerful, seems noble but really drinkable!! Needs time to open
Dazu: Cassoulet a la Corbières - Entenkonfit - Haricot
— 3 years ago

Peter H. liked this


Veigas de Padrinan Rías Baixas Albariño


独特のしっかりとした味で、とてもおいしかった — 6 years ago

Adega Eidos

Contraaparede Rías Baixas Albariño

Roman Sosnovskiy

Аромат айвы, персика, цукатов, с оттенгом рислинга. Кислотность mid+,среднетелое, немного маслянистое, с цукатным оттенком во вкусе — 8 years ago

MICHAEL, Oleg and 2 others liked this