GD Vajra Barolo Albe, my first wine-aha moment, the white rabbit which I followed down the rabbit hole into the wonderland of wine. The 2016 vintage does of course not awake the same tingling experience as back then, nevertheless it is a very solid perforermer and a well representative of its provenance, probably one of the better Barolos of Systembolagets standard assortment.
Primary red fruit with fresh raspberries, red cherries, rose hip and cherry liqueur followed by a perfumed lift of rose water and bitter orange with a vague, but nonetheless present savoury meat stock character that is luring in the background. A mouth watering acidity and a strong grip from the high but approachable and fine grained tannins directs the palate and surrounds the red, slightly tart (cranberries) but pleasant fruit character through a good finish. Give it a couple of hours in the decanter and a nice spin in your glass and its will drink beautifully today. Falls a bit short on the length to qualify for the higher division but it can walk out the ring with its head held high. — 4 years ago
Great bottle purchased from Bacari Grill wine tasting event with AHA. — 5 years ago
Aha! No marks for guessing this wine’s origins - classic Rioja with a strong American oak influence throughout, just about kept in check by slightly dried cherry fruit and some worn leather, but then that vanilla again toward the finish. A decent enough example with plenty of life still ahead. — 4 years ago
Date night prevails once again!
Bae loves this wine. It’s got that nostalgia factor for both of us. I tracked it down and picked up two bottles. We’ll have to get a case when we move in to our new place in a August!
Light flowery bouquet like a sakura. Aromatics of lemon peel and bee pollen.
Bae likes it just as much as before. I think since last having this mosch, I’ve had so much wine ha, and actually believe I’ve grown into liking Guwerztraminer, Rieslings, and Chenin Blancs more and so have a wider palate and reference point. It’s still great, just some of that aha! factor has dwindled.
Love the balance of sweetness, ripe mango, lychees, and medium acidity. Missing the bubbles, though. — 5 years ago
One of many wines I bumped into when reorganizing my cellar. A real Aha!-experience and an old-time favorite.
Light and bright yellow in the glass. Subtle complexity. Mouthwatering hints of green tea, jasmin, ginger, white pepper, lenonpeel, white peach and wet rocks. Drinking beautifully now, and the following decade.
Wonderful balance between sweetness, freshness, salinity and acidity. This is all about refinement. A classic Mosel beauty. 😍 — 3 years ago
After recording my young heart competition for AHA :) — 4 years ago
Jeanne Marie Pinot don't be so fruity and tasty ur so sexy aha xx — 5 years ago
My aha wine. Love anything out of Red Mountain and this guy delivers on that note. Flush with red and black fruit. That distinctive taste that can’t put into words, but you know it when you taste it. It just says Red Mountain. — 5 years ago
Russ Kujan
Aha ha ha ha ahuhn, this is a French sparkling brut rose, a crement. She is from Alsace with crisp tiny bubbles, creamy body, with a toasty, yeasty flavor. I never can explain the nose of sparkling wines, so I won’t. — 2 years ago