Fab! Good value — 6 years ago
Rampolla may be making the best wines in Tuscany! The Chyanti is great, this Sammarco is extraordinary and the 100 point Alceo may be the best wine from Tuscany for 2010. — 10 years ago
Caramel lusciousness — 4 years ago
Starting to shut down. Patience will be rewarded here. So much going on! Deep and intense, wild and brooding, yet racy and detailed. The best Alceo since the magnificent 1999. @Antonio Galloni — 6 years ago
An absolutely AMAZING Calabrian red. At 10 years old, aged to perfection. Beautiful brownish-plum color, delightful and delicate nose. Extremely smooth open and finish. Purchased in Italy, if you can find it in the U.S. Please let me know!! — 10 years ago
Decanted for several hours, great with food but tannins still very dry without. I’d give it a lot more time to mellow. — 3 years ago