Claremont Craft Ales

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

Wanderland Nectarine Ale

Hazy light orange, tiny bubbles, light head on pour. Typical hop-forward nose, in mouth dank hoppy flavors with slight tart nectarine pulp and nectarine stone finish. Not at all sweet so a serious take on fruit ales by the original hops-happy craft brewery out of Chico CA. It will grow on you — 4 years ago

Trixie, Sharon and 1 other liked this


This intrigues me! Would be enjoyable to try. Cheers!🍻

Fyne Ales Farm Brewery

Fynebank Peat Smoked Golden Ale

Collaborated beer between Scotch whisky Distillery and craft beer brewery in Scotland. Malty a bit peaty:-))) — 8 years ago

Ichiro and Soshi liked this

Rogue Ales

Citrus Cucumber Soda Non Alcoholic Crafted Soda

Ivy Hover

A lovely craft soda, like Sprite with gentle cucumber notes. — 10 years ago

Soc. Agr. Croci Ermanos

Lubigo Frizzante Bianco VdT Ortrugo 2016

2016 printed on the wine shop label but I cannot find on the bottle label. Bruised apple and funk aromas carry through to the flavors. Minimal frizzante. I drink a lot of sour ales and craft cider and this fits right with them. The tartness and funk mellowed after a bit in the glass and I enjoyed it more than my wife and daughter. — 4 years ago

L, Adam and 1 other liked this

Idle Hands Craft Ales

Brocktoberfest Fest Lager

I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad beer from Idle Hands. This one is deliciously malty with hints of lemon. It’s also low on sweetness (I enjoy lower sweetness) unlike some fest beers — 7 years ago

Dogfish Head Brewery

Fort Craft Brewed Ales

Bit of alcohol heat/taste distracts from an otherwise great ale. — 9 years ago


Encore Fine Craft Ales

Excellent bitter — 6 years ago

Idle Hands Craft Ales

Klara Dortmund Style Lager

Idle Hands Craft Ales Klara Dortmund Style Lager. 5.5% ABV — 6 years ago

Trixie liked this

Claremont Craft Ales


St. Makes has dark brown color, complex malts along the porter-stout continuum. 32 ounce refillable container. Will journey to Claremont to refill. — 9 years ago