Colares, Lisboa

Manuel José Colares

Casta Ramisco 1997

Saddle leather, pencil lead, fresh, crisp red fruit aromatics and flavors, the leather notes run throughout but do not show barnyard or Brett, great balance and acidity, long, lingering finish, I just love Colares, amazing the depth and length this shows at 11.0% ABV!! — 4 days ago

Jim Powers
with Jim
Tom, Ira and 4 others liked this

Casa Santos Lima

LAB Reserva Touriga Nacional Blend

En að meta þetta er þetta er bara fínt — 2 months ago

Casa Santos Lima

Confidencial Red Blend 2020

Nothing too special, acceptable sipper with medium body to it — 5 months ago

Adega Regional de Colares

Arenæ Colares Malvasia 2021

Dicht bij de zee. Grootste gevaar de zeewind. Daarom hangen de druiven laag. Wilde dieren. Maar verder weinig gevaren. Na ca 3-5yr op de markt. Neus: gedroogd steenfruit, perzik, honing, gestoofde groene appels, heel geparfumeerd. Opent zich langzaam in het glas. Zit veel in verborgen. Parfum van gele bloesem, maar ook rose wilde rozen. in de smaak meer citrus, limoen, citroen. Aan het eind veel mineraliteit, zout, hartig door lees ageing? M+ body, 12% alcohol, droog. Ter plekke geproefd. Proeverij met dochter ‘president’ — a month ago


Reserva Vinho Regional Lisboa Red Blend 2022

Yep very nice. Syrupy and sweet. — a month ago

Caves Vidigal

Porta 6 Estremadura Tinta Roriz Blend

Smooth and easy drinking with cherry notes. Still good after a night. Great value for $5.99 — 2 months ago

Adega Regional de Colares

Arenæ Colares Ramisco 2016

2 yr op frabs eiken varrels, daarna op foudres. 6-9 jr in totaal. In de geur, veel fruit! Prachtig parfum. Wild berries, red. Zwarte peper, nu al leer. Rijp, mooie tannine, packed with flavour but still light. Heel verteerbaar. Saltiness. Savoury, maar vooral heel levendig fruit. Volgens wijnmaker kan deze heel lang rijpen. — a month ago

Quinta da Fonte Bela

Paxis Red Blend 2020

The Sangiovese was out so we landed on this one. No regrets. Smells a bit astringent but with lots of vanilla and strawberry. Very fruity, medium bodied. A solid wine, especially for $18 at a restaurant. — a month ago

Ethan HeyboerPeter HeyboerDiane Heyboer
with Ethan, Peter and 1 other


Reserva Alicante Bouschet 2021

Dark and full of flavor - nice. — 4 months ago