Juicy round stone fruit with a glint of lime rind. Ripe, gripping, chewy ride. — 9 years ago
Very good cremant. Dry and fresh, good minerality — 10 years ago
Steely, grassy with a hints of dried pear and straw; Beautifully balanced nose. Soft pear, smooth buttery biscuit like palate. Very interesting Grand Cru and an awesomely different Riesling. — 9 years ago
Lots of body, basically almost a shockingly big, round, thick, overripe fruit flavor bomb - has kind of a deep, lazy luxuriousness, but in a nicely decadent way - definitely grew on me, especially as I started thinking, like a Roman consul, that Iris should be peeling my grapes. — 9 years ago
Nice creamy mallo lactic with a mineral finish - biodynamic to boot! — 11 years ago
7/20/2016: Maison Kammerzell Strasbourg — 9 years ago
Perlage molto fine , note di tostato e pane grigliato, mallo di noce e fiori bianchi.Discreta armonia ed equilibrio, spiccate note minerali, grande persistenza — 9 years ago
Gavin Roberts
The 2016 vintage made with fruit from Tumbarumba. The got full mallo and is yummy — 6 years ago