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Uplifting. A special process from a special vintage. Just the nose is a beautiful enticement. Rising up far out of the glass offering thick floral and mouth watering apricot, peach golden raisin aromas.it has a strange satisfying savory depth and the expected dense and viscous body but without being cloying... should have drunk younger but ....still it’s just so yum. — 7 years ago
Tyson Escoto
Uplifting. A special process from a special vintage. Just the nose is a beautiful enticement. Rising up far out of the glass offering thick floral and mouth watering apricot, peach golden raisin aromas.it has a strange satisfying savory depth and the expected dense and viscous body but without being cloying... should have drunk younger but ....still it’s just so yum. — 7 years ago