One of my last bottles of B&H firewater. This is better integrated than the last, but still not where my palate is today. Super dark and rich, with black fruit and just a touch of heat. Drink up. — 8 years ago
True firewater — 11 years ago
Firewater, this is the first expensive wine I've ever had. Brought over by friends to accompany a perfectly marinated rib eye grilled medium rare with crazy char on the fatty ends. Its smooth, great body, great flavor with a strong but not overwhelming california cab. I can imagine buying this wine even though I couldn't imagine paying this much money for one wine that I could buy 4 or 5 wines for the same price. — 5 years ago
Little nightcap. Just about time to open a fresh bottle. #firewater #idontonlydrinkkermitlynch — 9 years ago
Inky black color. 14.2% yikes! Firewater. Smells like wine barrels and licorice drops of both the red and black sort. Flavor is full and rich with complexity. Black tea, good berry pies, minerals and rocks. Plenty to chew on and savor. Nice inky streak as well. Bitter like olives and elderberry syrup. A big boy of a wine with some CA Petite Sirah flavors in it, but it is pleasing and fulfilling. Well worth the $10 it was on sale for. — 6 years ago
Nutmeg firewater. Salute! — 10 years ago
Previously unknown firewater — 11 years ago
Nurse Mike
Whaaaat! Limited run duckhorn firewater opened by our friends for dinner. Beautiful wine, crazy smooth and finishes beautifully like it evaporates off the tongue. I only wish I was a little more sober when it was opened. — 5 years ago