I love this Freigeist Charred Manzanita Ale from Fort Point. — 8 years ago
Love local! A hint of sweetness. Just the right the hops. — 9 years ago
Great on a hot day — 7 years ago
My favorite from Fort Point. — 7 years ago
Hoppy Pilsner — 9 years ago
I chose the perfect beer to celebrate #NationalBeerDay I was gifted this for my birthday last week and heard nothing but good things and BAY-BEEEE it did not disappoint. 🎶these are a few of my favorite things🎶 I don’t do ice coffee often but if I did, it would this beer. No point in drinking cold coffee if it is not 11% ABV. Dragon’s Milk is dark, toasty (and roasty), rich and heavy! Everything I want in a man, but A👏🏾DAMN👏🏾 BEER👏🏾! Men disappoint, so give me the warmth and familiarity bourbon barrel-aged stout anytime. The smell is perfect and the notes of vanilla and caramel sweeten it ever so subtly. Issa win! #badandboozypod #craftbeerlife #stouts #dragonsmilk #gimmemore #beerreviews — 7 years ago
Very good beer. — 9 years ago
AJ Gubser
Piney, resiny notes on the nose. Bit of citrus reminiscent of a creamsicle.
Palate is all about the hops with orange, grapefruit, and pine. Good dose of firm, slightly earthy, resiny bitterness that accentuates the already dry palate.
Bit of a throwback with the old school hop flavors and firm bitterness. Very drinkable with the lighter malt base and high attenuation. Nice stuff. — 6 years ago