Pale brown in color is this 10-year-old wine from Valtellina, looks unfiltered; beeswax on the nose along with earthy dusty notes with faint nebbiolo flowers and tar in the background; high acids. mouthfilling balanced with chocolate, coffee, dark small berries; long nice finish.
Interesting wine from La Spia (i.e. the Spy) of the Rigamonti family in the far-northern Valtellina region with breath-taking views. — 5 years ago
Adam Gäfvert
Fint parfymerad. Lite burgundisk karaktär med klassiska nebbiolo-smaker. Fina smak- och doftlager. Mörka bär, rosor, piptobak, lavendel, granatäpple, citrus osv. Mineraligt avslut med pulverfina integrerade tanniner och massa frisk syra. — 4 years ago